Sorrow and joy of love

Sorrow and joy of love
Watch how makes me
the skin when you recuerdo…

By the throat I upload
a fresh blood River
the wound that crosses
of part to part of my body.
I have nails in the hands
and knives in the fingers
and in my Temple a Crown
made of black pins.

Watch how makes me
skin everytime I remember
I'm a married man
and however you want.

From your House to my house
There is a wall of silence,
nettles and prickly pear,
of lime, sand, wind,
of dark Honeysuckle
and glass in stalking.
A wall so that never
can skip it the people,
It is stealing the key
that save our secret.
And I know that I want to!
And thou knowest that I love!
As we know the two
and nobody can tell.


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