The Being of Being is Being

The being of being is Being;
The being of nothing is none.
And if you find this so much nonsense,
At least it will do you no harm.
Now nothing is nothing, for certain;
And something is something, for sure.
Since something cannot come from nothing,
It must be eternally there.
And though it is hard to imagine
Since time is our air and our sea,
No thing will ever be nothing,
Though we will not always be we.
The Girls Meet Once a Month
The girls meet once a month
(Shall we call their meetings "monthlies"?)
To dis/cuss guys and udder things.
Why girls only?
Because guys get too hard
To deal with
When girls are around.
Tonight's topic is Poe-etry.
(Don't get too scared!)
A raven lunar tic
(Let's call him the Louse of Brush Her)
Has gotten, like most guys, into my hair.
So I brush him off onto Anabel's knee.
To be Poe-etic, one should be a ghoul rather than a guy,
And have monthly meat things
For ghouls only.
So let the Poe-etry be gin!
There Is a Dark and Gloomy Place
There is a dark and gloomy place where choices
Have their homes and wait upon your touch.
After long and futile waits for voices,
You must, alas!, sign on to such-and-such.
A family in a circle warm and loving:
Less sweet? or more? than living lone and free?
A choice in darkness, both sides fiercely shoving:
My heart is yours, whichever it might be!
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