Harpies Are but Angels Who Are Harried

Harpies are but angels who are harried,
Angry, disappointed in their lot,
Prone to practice bickering when married,
Perhaps because they don't get what they've got.
Yet angels nonetheless, as pure inside
As deep and drifted, soot-encrusted snow,
Near the heart of God but for their pride,
No less loved, for all their squawk below.
If you find yourself pursued by harpies,
Vengeful just because . . . well, just because,
Elevate the angle of your worries,
Remembering that there are higher laws.
So may you love all beings, bright or small,
And be what you would have them be to all,
Regardless of what they might be to you.
You are the harpist, no matter what you do.

Hobgoblins Know the Proper Way to Dance

Hobgoblins know the proper way to dance:
Arms akimbo, loopy legs askew,
Leaping into darkness with delight,
Lusting for the ecstasy of fright,
Open to the charm of horrors new.
Well may you start your screaming in advance,
Even as you give a ghoul a chance,
Each creepy creature craving to say, "Boo!",
Near heaven in its netherworld of night.
Holidays Are Holy Here in Heaven
Holidays are holy here in heaven.
(Ordinary days are awful, too.)
Love is mandatory day and night.
If you get mad, you're not allowed to fight.
Desperate deeds are difficult to do!
As you know, I'll always be eleven.
Years pass, and there's still no sign of you.
So please come soon, 'cause we're still buddies. Right?
How Can I Fall in Love with Only Words
How can I fall in love with only words?
Words and pictures, grainy and compressed?
A jaypeg love is truly for the birds.
You'd have to wonder whether I'm repressed.
But love it is, through all the bits and bytes,
For someone who's like no one else I've met:
Tender, charming, bright, queen of my nights,
All I've ever dreamed of, on the Net.
And though she's living in a distant place,
I love her as I've loved no one before.
Will I ever get to touch her face,
Hold her in my arms and, perhaps, more?
Ay, me! No matter what, I'm still in love.
Through modems must our e-mailed passions move!
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