Happy Second Anniversary

Happy second anniversary!
A time when marriage seems to settle in,
Perhaps no more remarkable than sunlight,
Perhaps no longer noticed more than trees.
Years lie ahead like roads that go cross country.
Songs of love now nestle safe within.
Even dreams are fast asleep by midnight,
Cradled in the heart like unshelled peas.
On such sweet silence let there now shine moonlight,
Neither shuttered out nor breaking in,
Descending like familiar ecstasy.

 Happy second anniversary!
Adjustments have been made, and time moves on.
Pleasure becomes more than you and me;
Paradise is just another dawn.
Yet there is yet a bloom upon the rose
So long as there is charity and will.
Even as the passion comes and goes,
Caring is the best seducer still.
Of time and love there is much to be learned;
No happiness can last unless it's earned,
Depending on your need, desire, and skill.
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