I'm Sorry I Can't Tell You What

I'm sorry I can't tell you what
I'm sure you'd rather hear,
But there's a burden in my heart
I can no longer bear.

There's an anger I must cross
Before I come to you
And make my peace with who you are,
And try your soul anew.

I know I wasn't what you wanted
When you wanted me,
A healthy, happy baby girl
You could raise easily.

I was born impaired, and you
Have never understood
That what I am is whole and fair
And beautiful and good.

You were sorry, first for me
And then for you, and wept,
But I would not be me without
The fact that I am deaf.

I am a gift to celebrate
And not a cause to grieve.
As a child this was what
I needed to believe.

  inspirational quotes inspirational bible quotes inspirational love quotes inspirational life quotes Sad Poems motivational inspirational quotes sad love poems sweet love poems sad quotes sad love quotes Nature Poems


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