Do You Think that This Is Just Your Business

Do you think that this is just your business?
Really, do you think you're on your own?
Understand, when you're a little reckless,
No risk you take can be your risk alone.
Know that when you drive a little tipsy,
Daring death to make it home by three,
Rock-solid on the wheel, a little dizzy,
In control, but super-carefully,
Vested in your care are all the loved ones
Inside the circle of your homeward run,
Nor would you find peace ever if you harmed one,
Going mad to undo what you've done.


Nora was killed by a driver who drank.
Oceans on oceans have swallowed her whole.
Remembering her, whom can I thank
As I dance through my life with her undying soul.
This Truth Is like a Sea That Has No Shore
This truth is like a sea that has no shore,
Chaos infinite in heart and mind:
That you should once have been, and are no more.
To me you are as lovely as before:
Your voice still sings of life, your eyes still shine.
This truth is like a sea that has no shore,
An agony no reason can endure,
A knot of pain no passion can unbind:
That you should once have been, and are no more.
You died because some drunken bastard bore
Across the barrier of one thin line.
This truth is like a sea that has no shore:
That I cannot your battered face restore;
That all my love for you cannot turn time;
That you should once have been, and are no more.
We are all on a death march, numb and raw,
Driven on as loved ones fall behind.
This truth is like a sea that has no shore:
That you should once have been, and are no more.
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