Thanksgiving Is a Moment to Remember

Thanksgiving is a moment to remember
How little we can do to move the stars.
All we are and have we must surrender,
Nor is Earth less inscrutable than Mars.
Knowing this, we know the need for friends
Sharing both our pleasures and our pain,
Giving, though it may not serve their ends,
In joy the love that will our love sustain.
Very much like water in a lake,
In sum we serve as mirrors to the sky.
No one alone can heaven's picture take.
Given friends, we know the reason why.
The Happiness I Feel at Your Achievements
The happiness I feel at your achievements
Reflects the happiness you feel at mine.
Friends expand the pleasures of such moments,
As mine in yours, and yours in mine, combine.
The same when we look forward to our futures:
So much more unfolds when there are two!
Populating your proposed adventures
Gives me a joy that mine must give to you.
We've been through much, and will be through much more,
But traveling together is more fun.
Whatever life and love may have in store,
Two is always preferable to one.
Your graduation thus becomes my pleasure:
Your happiness is mine, a double treasure.
We've Just Been Friends, and Now You're Going
We've just been friends, and now you're going
Far away for many years.
But please don't leave me without knowing
How I feel as your time nears.
I know you're older, more mature,
And far beyond me in some ways.
But there's between us something pure
That's given me these magic days.
I thank you for the loveliness
That your sweet friendship's brought to me.
Think of this poem as a caress
That says, "I love you" gracefully.
Why Did You Change
Why did you change? What did I do?
We were like brothers, and now
Your face is a wall without windows, while you
Abrogate what small claims you allow.
I don't understand what undid the sweet bond
That for years yielded nothing but joy.
I am who I was, and yet you respond
As though it were my aim to annoy.
Perhaps there's no why when some untoward wind
Whips away what we hold to our hearts.
Though bitter it be to leave loved ones behind,
It remains the most precious of arts.
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