Engagement Is the Time Between

Engagement is the time between
Being two and one.
It moves so fast the mountains shift
Before the survey's done.
It's not a thing you can get used to,
Trying for a fit;
It's sheer uphill, the road to bliss,
And when you're there, that's it.
Exciting, thrilling, always new,
Full of joy and fear;
Things race by, yet move so slow
A month can take a year.
Love must wait, quite patiently,
To find its proper form;
Yet there it is, when we can look,
The peace within the storm.
Engagements Are by Nature Temporary
Engagements are by nature temporary,
A passageway to fields in which we'll grow.
But I have found this year of passage very
Much like the wedded world we soon will know.
There is a permanence in our relation
Drawn not from law or custom but from love.
This year has built a broad and firm foundation
That no hard rain will easily remove.
I am yours, though not quite yet your wife;
You are mine, with one more door ahead.
Soon, soon we will begin our brave new life,
Joined in thought and feeling, hearth and bed.
Till then we'll wait with patience and with pleasure.
This year of love with you I'll always treasure.
Obligations Open Many Doors
Obligations open many doors.
No joy is long sustained without some vows.
Years of passion sweep up many shores;
On love's soft strand life fewer waves allows.
Up to now you've looked, but now you've found,
Relying on your hearts to tell you when.
Each moment that your loved one's not around
Now creates a sweet, sad, wistful yen.
Go then together toward the nuptial gate,
Alight with all the hope of your desire.
Gifts are often engines of our fate,
Eclipsing undue caution with their fire.
May you long be blessed with fulfilled need,
Each from inner isolation freed;
Nor may that need diminish, even though
The love and joy you feel now overflow.
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