In Eighth Grade My Best Friend Passed Away

In Eighth Grade My Best Friend Passed Away
In eighth grade my best friend passed away.
He isn't gone, of course. I have him here
With me, within my heart, as I do always.
How beautiful that people are so dear
To one another! For all my life I'll love him.
Only one small part of us dies. The rest
Lives on in others. We are music within
Music. Nor do we ever hear the best
Of us, which sings in other hearts, a chorus
Of angels! However much I miss him, he sings
Here now, my friend, in me, to you, for us,
Still breathing in the beauty that he brings.
Love lives forever passed along, and we
All are blessed to live, to love, to be.
In Memory of Those Who Died
In memory of those who died
We weep and walk away.
Tears run into swollen streams.
No trace of us remains.
Even those who grieve are gone,
And those that grieve who grieve,
And those whose lives are ravaged by
A frantic urge to be,
And those who wander silently
Among the empty rooms:
Immortality is theirs,
Though they must vanish, too.
We bear astonished witness to
The passage of the soul.
No bridge exists that can connect
Our passion to the whole.
Lee Beaumont Died at Fifteen
Lee Beaumont died at fifteen.
He played a mean guitar.
He was an excellent swimmer.
People said he would go far.
A conscientious student,
Lee would usually pull an A.
He had a lot of friends.
But now he's gone away.
I wonder what it means
To die young instead of old.
To miss the intervening years,
To lie so lovely cold.
I know to Lee himself
It's neither good nor bad,
But to those of us who loved him
It's unutterably sad.
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