Farewell, My Friend and Confidante

Farewell, my friend and confidante!
As you go, so must I
Return upon the well-worn path
Each soul must travel by.
Wend where you will, my wanderer,
Even as you stay
Long-treasured in my lonely heart,
Loved well, though far away.
Good Luck, My Dearest
Good luck, my dearest! Come what may,
Our love will be the sea
On which you sail to golden shores,
Darling of the wind!
Love will bear you on your way
Until you're back with me,
Come home to peace amid your wars,
King of all within.
Goodbye, My Darling Foster Child
Goodbye, my darling foster child,
On to another home!
Open doors remain behind.
Do but turn, and you will find
Bestride your heart, my own.
You may the wind, unwept and wild,
Embrace, but not alone.
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