Old and Good Friends Share a Piece

Old and good friends share a piece
Of passion, pain, and pleasure
That no one else, no family can
Begin to know or treasure.
It's as if a secret room
Held their private store,
And every time they met, they could
Go through some special door.
It doesn't matter if they see
Each other every day,
Or years and years go by before
They come and go away:
The moment that they meet it all
Is there--the memories of
Fierce loyalty and times of need
And gratitude and love.
Our Friendship Is as Close as Closest Sisters
Our friendship is as close as closest sisters,
Two flutes with a single melody,
Interchanging runs through changing vistas,
Notes like birds alighting on a tree.
To some, friends are like books upon a shelf;
Yet you to me are like another self.
This music will not stop for other misters,
Nor will it pause for princes, real or elf.
However life may wend, we will be we.

Thank You for You: For Who You Are

Thank you for you: for who you are,
However far away;
And for the words you send to me,
Near mad for what you say.
Knowing simply that you're there,
Yet thinking much of me,
Opens up my happiness,
Undone for all to see.
Thank You for Your Friendship and Your Love
Thank you for your friendship and your love.
However life may turn, this gift will be
A mountain that has made my river bend,
Nor will it flow the same way to the sea.
Knowing you is something I'm made of.
Years will not this part of me remove.
One lives for just a brief eternity,
Understanding truths that never end.
There Is in Friendship Just a Bit of Eden
There is in friendship just a bit of Eden,
Harboring our early innocence,
Acting out of pleasure in our pleasure,
Not calculating cost or recompense,
Knowing the abundance that we breed in.
Your friendship is a book that I may read in,
Opening a truth I cannot measure
Unless it be with signs or sacraments.
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