Only in the Prison of Perfection

Only in the prison of perfection,
Needing neither love nor company,
Your body quite dissolved in pure perception,
One oversoul as far as mind can see;
Unattached to meaning or desire,
Redolent of heaven's thin, cold air,
Empty of an all-devouring fire
Nor interested in being more than there;
Granted such a state, what need for marriage?
All there is, is with you all the while.
Gifts of love redound to those who forage
Earnestly, with neither greed nor guile.
May you hunger and find surfeit sweet,
Each separately an angel incomplete,
Needing one another's love to know
The greatest bliss vouchsafed to those below.

Open Doors and Windows, Books and Flowers
Open doors and windows, books and flowers,
Newly opened gifts of minds and hearts
Yearning for the emptiness of oceans
On which, in love and hope, you launch your music;
Undulating, searching, restless hearts
Rendering your ecstasies in music,
Eternal hunger sated now with flowers,
Now rolling on relentlessly as oceans;
Give everything away--all hopes, all music,
All of yourself cast into tumbling oceans,
Go naked in the silence of your hearts,
Even as you blossom into flowers.
Mouths cannot speak the glory of the oceans
Etched against the loveliness of flowers,
Nor can you know its fullness but in music
Through love, which inundates your waiting hearts.

Out of Love Comes All in Life that Matters
Out of love comes all in life that matters;
Nor can one love unless one knows one's need.
Years are walls against which passion shatters,
Opening the way for joys that bleed.
Underneath the choice of who is how,
Requiring one again each day to choose,
Embracing a forever ever now,
Not least because one fears what one might lose.
Given its immensity, the choice
Astounds, as blind or provident as fate;
Given its beauty, one can but rejoice,
Evangelist alight before the gate.
More than how one lives is how one loves,
Ever the terrain through which one moves,
Not shaped by fortune, but the work of will,
Though fortune ride the wind for good or ill.
Life Poems
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